Number Date and Time |
2004/03/24(Wed) 16:36:48 |
Name | dnabe |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Hello!Mr.Nirareba.Long time no see. I received the latest information of VORONOI conference. Let's submit papers! |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/24(Wed) 00:21:02 |
Name | Gaiiiiii |
Random | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Oh! It's very cold. Hakkusyon |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/23(Tue) 00:00:29 |
Name | Mt. Big |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
My name is big mountain worship. A big mountain can be drawn by !. !!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh! Beautiful!! |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/21(Sun) 23:01:18 |
Name | gaoooo |
Random | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Oh I forgot writing yesterday. Today I'm sleepy. Sorry for no message. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/20(Sat) 00:55:59 |
Name | gaoooo |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Gaooooooooooooo What time? Oh, One! Wonderful!! |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/19(Fri) 00:26:10 |
Name | Mt. Big |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
I listen to the Titan of Mahler now. Very exciting music. Can I sleep well tonight? |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/17(Wed) 23:58:07 |
Name | Hi! |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Gaooooooooo Saturn is Dosei in Japanese. Dosei's Do means the ground.(Sei is the star.) And Saturday is Doyobi in Japanese.(Yobi is the day.) How do you think about this coincidence? |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/17(Wed) 00:01:39 |
Name | 2s |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Gaooooooo Sorry, Very sleepy. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/15(Mon) 23:39:12 |
Name | 2 |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Gaoooooooo Yesterday was a newspaper holiday, which meant there would be no paper today. This press holiday is to provide time off for delivery personnel. The Japan Times, Ltd. Oh. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/14(Sun) 19:38:45 |
Name | gaoooo |
Random | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Gaooooooooooooooooo Studying English is very important. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/13(Sat) 22:39:28 |
Name | Gaiiiiii |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
My English is not working, but dancing. My English is not walking or running, but skipping. I want to write or speak English like a song. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/13(Sat) 01:10:50 |
Name | 2 |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
There were two interesting articles in Japan Times today. One was about the whale shark. The other was about robbot playing the trumpet. I like the Yakult swallows in the age of the Taiyo whales. Playing trumpet was difficult for me in my highschool days. So I think it is certainly difficult to make a lip for playing trumpet. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/12(Fri) 00:36:57 |
Name | I am Takashi Ohyama. |
Random | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Today's Japan Times is wonderful. On top page, there was a nice picture of stars. Mystery makes new mysteries. Oh! |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/11(Thu) 01:24:26 |
Name | Gaiiiiii |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Sorry, Very sleepy. Only Gaoooooooooooooo. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/09(Tue) 23:17:33 |
Name | Mt. Big |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Thank you Kais. I read Japanese textbooks and Frank K, Hwang, Dana S. Richards,Pawel Winter, North-Holland, The Steiner tree problem and Hans Jürgen Prõmel,Angelika Steger, vieweg, The Steiner Tree Problem for studying Steiner problem. But I don't use anyone's algorithm. So I can't garantee speed and accuracy. My algorithm is very simple. Assume that there are n points in 2 dimension plane. 1. Put some(smaller than n-1) points in convex hull of given points randomly. 2. Draw minimum spanning tree. 3. If the length of the tree is minimum, solve the minimum location of new points by using Newton methods. 4. goto 1.(I don't know when we can get the solution, sorry.) Thank you for your interest. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/09(Tue) 08:34:52 |
Name | Kais |
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Favorite site | Steiner tree problem's heauristic algorithm |
good day very good and nice applet for the steiner tree problem I would like to ask you which algorithm did u use to find steiner tree, can u send me the code source for this thanks in advance |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/08(Mon) 23:24:48 |
Name | Gaoooooooo |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
I want to read the newspaper. But today I didn't read. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/07(Sun) 22:54:31 |
Name | 2. |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Gaoooooooooooo Today is holiday. But very sleepy. |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/06(Sat) 22:28:13 |
Name | Gaiiiiii |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
In The Japan Times, they say that scientists see similarities between a newly released image of a distant expanding star and Vincent van Gogh's painting 'The Starry Night'. Oh! |
Number Date and Time |
2004/03/05(Fri) 23:43:35 |
Name | 2s |
Random![]() | |
Favorite site |
Everything |
Natto is very healthy. But it is bad taste. It is bad taste even if in the curry. |